Humanitarian Projects
In order to guarantee an ethical and rational use of the national plasma, Italy exports PDMPs exceeding its national needs within specific international cooperation agreements, programmes or projects. Since 2012 94,665 vials of PDMPs have been exported for scientific or humanitarian projects promoted by the Italian National Blood Centre and Regions.
In order to guarantee an ethical and rational use of the national plasma, Italy exports PDMPs exceeding its national needs within specific international cooperation agreements, programmes or projects. Since 2012 more than 74,000 vials of PDMPs have been exported for scientific or humanitarian projects promoted by the Italian National Blood Centre and Regions.
In Italy there is a surplus of certain PDMPs and their intermediates, whose production is necessary to guarantee the extraction of albumin and immunoglobulins. The same scenario is found in other developed countries such as France, the Netherlands, Australia and Canada, which adopt national self-sufficiency programmes for blood, blood components and PDMPs.
In 2008 the Italian National Blood Centre set up a working group to manage these surpluses, involving all the relevant national competent authorities such as the National Medicines Agency, the Ministry of Health, the Regions through the Regional Blood Centres, Associations and Federations of Donors, Scientific Societies and Patient Associations. The working group is intended to monitor the actual surplus state of affairs, assess the potential implementing actions and promote programmes involving interregional exchange.
Due to the fact that in Italy there is a surplus of certain intermediate or final products such as coagulation factors included in the World Health Organization (WHO) essential medicines list, while there is a shortage of them in other countries of the world, the Italian National Blood Centre has been promoting the development of new regulatory dispositions to allow the ethical and rational management of plasma and its products.
The Ministerial Decree of December 2, 2016, defines the regulations for exporting the PDMPs exceeding regional and national needs and the State – Regions Agreement of February 7, 2013, establishes that the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Italian National Blood Centre, the Regions, the Autonomous Provinces, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall promote specific agreements, programmes or projects regarding the export or transfer of PDMPs or of intermediate plasma-derived products. This aims at supporting the organisation of blood systems in the recipient countries as well as training human resources through the implementation of capacity building programmes and care networks for patients with haemophilia and congenital bleeding disorders (CBDs).
To date the countries involved in cooperation and humanitarian aid programmes promoted and coordinated by the Italian National Blood Centre are Albania, Afghanistan, Armenia, Bolivia, Egypt, El Salvador, Kosovo, India, Palestine and Serbia.
Programmes have mainly focused on the donation of coagulation FVIII and FIX concentrates. Projects on capacity building are also being defined and implemented.
Humanitarian projects: 2012 – the present
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